JackalCreative | About
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JACKAL CREATIVE is Jack Alex Stewart

One of those kids that stayed up every night drawing and the only subject I cared about at school was Art. I went on to turn my hobby into my career. I studied graphic design in London at Middlesex University and then went on to do a masters at Norwich University of the arts in Moving image and sound design.

Following university I have had a varied career. I got a big break early on after I applied to the BBC for a six month contract working at BBC bristol where I worked on post production and graphics. I then moved Cambridge in 2012 where I started to work as a digital designer in e-Learning and I have stayed in this industry ever since.

I now have over 10 years expierence working in the feild of elearning. I have worked in higher education, government, architecture, home improvements, and the energy sector.

I am always looking for ways to keep up to date with the latest innovations and trends within the field of eLearning and design. I am also branching out into side hustles related to property investing and crypto as I am very interested in the potential of web 3.0 and the metaverse.

This website is a showcase of some of the projects I have worked on over the years.